Vossmann from Dinklage to Meppen

Transport from Dinklage to Meppen (Germany). Total Lenght is 28,5 Meter, 8.15 meters high and 7.55 wide. Transport was done on October 16, 2016. The convoi consisted of 2 units, one was done by Vossmann Logistics GmbH and the second one was Bohnet GmbH.

Pictures by ontourmitlampe


From Zaragoza, Spain to Utrecht, The Netherlands

A tram for the city of Utrecht build in Zaragoza, the distance was more than 2.000 km and only in France there were more than 300 roundabouts to take. The loading took place at April 19th, 2017 and the unloading was Apr 28th, 2017.

Van der Vlist with a tram from Zaragoza in Spain to Utrecht in the Netherlands